Rock Yourself to Sleep
Nov 08, 2021 - Meghan Pickrell
For years I planned my life around the things I must accomplish to get through the day in order to be an engaged mother, supportive partner and confident business owner. All of you know the demands we put on ourselves to complete the day to eventually fall into bed.
I stumbled upon this eye-opening(no pun intended) article on sleep about a year ago. No one can deny the importance of sleep. We remind our children of it yet neglect our body and mind from getting enough of this necessary, rejuvenating routine.
Last year, I shifted my efforts into organizing my day to focus on being able to sleep deeply and long enough. Reluctantly, I reduced my coffee intake. I began starting my days with a ritual, sometime it was meditation or writing in my journal. You probably think that as a Pilates teacher I move quite a bit throughout the day. This is true to varying degrees but I still need to make a concerted effort to care for myself. Thus, the phrase, “there is a moment in every day you can take for yourself” was born. I began taking walks, doing other people’s guided workouts or lying on the mat to move on my own in the middle of the day.
I also, developed the Evening Wind-down session that is featured on the M&M virtual website. I usually do this once a week. It is a great physical reminder that lets my body know I will be going to bed soon. My sleep patterns have improved. Most mornings I feel refreshed and I pack enough energy throughout the day. A movement routine which promotes relaxation, relieves stress and allows me to harvest energy. Through the right combination of some self-centered relaxation and movement you will rediscover the wonder of sleep.
Here a few moves to help ready your body for slumber.
Rib rocking on side:
Rib rocking on back:
Hip circles:
If you’d like to try the full evening wind down, we are still offering a 7 day free trial. After signing up you can find the session under Wellness, here.